Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dad's Wallet

Solve the following problem.  Give your answer in the comment section with an explanation of the strategy you used, why you used it and how you are ABSOLUTELY sure your answer is correct!

On Wednesday, Dad got paid,  Thursday morning my brother took 1/2 the money to go open a checking account (because he was always short of money). On Friday, I needed some for a movie, so I took half of what remained.  Sis came along next, and took half of the remaining money.  Dad then went to gas up the car and used half of the rest of his money, and he wondered where it all went so fast.  He only had $5 left.  How much money did he start with in his wallet?


  1. The family started with $80.00. The strategy I used was write the key things down and I just added 5 plus 5 plus 10 plus 20 plus 40. I think I am right because I checked my work. Benjamin

  2. Ms. Adams
    The family started with $80.00. I got that answer by, first I started by picking a number like 80. Next I subtracted half of that which is 40. Next I subtracted half of that which is 20. Then I subtracted half of that which is ten. Then the dad took half of ten which is five. That's what I came up with Matthew

  3. I think the answer is $40.00 because we first take away half for the brother (1/2), then another for the girl (1/4), then one last half for the sister (1/8). So he has $5 left, I figured the answer with this info by looking at the fraction I had and multiplying it by what I had left.(8x5=40)

  4. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  5. The family started with $80.00. I got the answer by starting with $5.00 and worked my way up. I just kept multiplying the number by 2 untill I got $80.00.

  6. Darya,
    Can you show your thinking by showing the math? You may be onto something here!

  7. I got $40.00 too.i started with five and dubbed it 3 times because the dad looked at his money before he payed!!! not 80.00 if he payed and then look it at his money yes.

  8. ps its from emma

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The family started with $80.00. I got this answer by picking numbers, and then I chose 80.
    I subtracted half of that-
    Next I subtracted half of that which is 20.
    Then I subtracted THAT which was 10, so
    Then the dad took half of 10, which is 5 so they only had 5 left.
    Easy =)

  11. Dear Ms. Adams just incase you don't get the message in reading here it is now. If you didn't see my reply on the reading side for last nights homework it is because when I pressed post comment I left the site!! I was susposed to type in the letters that appeared afterwards to confirm the message!!!!!

  12. Alex-
    Miss Adams-
    Do you like my reasoning?
    Everyone else-
    Are u on?

  13. The answer to the question is $80.00. I figured this out by starting with a high number 80 and kept on dividing it by 2. I did this four times because in the problem each charactor takes away half of the !!!!REMAINING!!!! So I disagree with Darya and gymnastics nerd because it said they take half of the !!!!REMAINING!!!!

  14. By the way this one above me with no name belongs to Bryce and not any of you people that wants to steal it so you can take credit. P.S. It says my moms name on my google account but it belongs to me.

  15. I solved the problem by adding all the numbers and then subtracting them in the order they said and I came up with the answer of nothing so now i am going to try something different.

  16. Joni is Bob.
    Bob is Joni.
    Alexandra DeWeese is a girl.
    A girl is Alex.
    Alex likes waffles.

  17. AAAAAHHHHHAAAAAA!!!!! The answer is 80.00!
    I found this out by startig with a few random numbers before I got to 80. Then I kept doing the directions until I GOT $5!!!!

  18. I do Like waffles and I am a girl thank you!

  19. Well I would like to chat now that I have Finished my homework

  20. Alex joni is me bryce It just has my mom's name on my account

  21. I agree all the way around with Micca, and Nevin. There answer is exactly what I got.

  22. I know it is $80.00 I was sort of rushing?!

  23. benjamin,I know it's you. I was responding to Bryces old responce.

  24. I was wondering where everyone was.

  25. Well ALEXANDRA DEWEESEis signing out.....I love you all!!!!!!!!!oxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  26. want to go to the first question in reading.

  27. You all know how to do the problem, right?

  28. Sorry Aidan bot I got to go a little bit late for me.SSSOOORRRYY!

  29. Does the answer change if you start with the $5 rather than at the other end? We have a few different ideas here........

  30. There's been a lot of activity on here.
    Yes Aidan, we know how to do the problem.

    Benjamin, let's chat on "Because of Winn Dixie"

  31. The asnwer is $80

    P.S: I am Flyin!

  32. Hi Aidan
    OMG would you guys stop commenting right befor me

  33. Hai

    The question "Because of Winn Dixie"
    The one that ahs Over 100 coments

  34. You just had to go like this: 5+5=10,10=10=20,20+20=40, and 40+40=80. But if you start backwards, it would still be the same.

    Benjamin, are you crazyb9009?!?!

  35. yea hey there is a new question and it is mind trap

  36. the answer is $80.00 because i started with $200.00 but when i tried to split $25.00 it was not a whole number it had decimals and when it was $12.50 you had to split it in half. So it's $6.25 but when it comes to money you can't split a Quarter so that's wrong.Then i looked at $80.00 and split it in half four times i looked at the question again and realized i found the answer.

  37. $80- I got this answer because I started off with 5 and doubled it because each person kept taking half of the money. 5x2=10 10x2=20 20x2=40 40x2=80 I stopped at 80 because that's how many people took some money! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  38. I did the exact same thing as Courteney, except I must have added wrong somewhere because I got 560. Brook

  39. I do not think anyone is on so they can not copy my answers mwa ha ha ha ha. The answer I got was $80.00. I started with seventy but I could not divide that equily. So I went to eighty. Half of eighty is fourty half of fourty is twenty half of twenty is ten (huff) and half of ten is five (sigh) OMG did I just say that all.(gasp)

  40. Anyone. Are you there. Answer The Lone Wolf!$$$$$$$$$$

  41. Hi Nevin How do you solve the problem

  42. Go to the other topic and talk to me on there, but why do you need to know how I solved this one?

  43. 4 poeple took half of the money. 5x2=10x2=20x2=40x2=80 answer 80

    May we solve the Party question on here?

    "The party was over. It was a magnificent celebration".

    That one?
